As summer approaches, it’s important to stay protected from the sun when engaging in outdoor activities. Here are some must-have accessories that not only offer sun protection, but also add style to your summer look.
1. Sun hats: A wide-brimmed hat can protect your face, ears, and neck from harmful UV rays, and add a touch of glamour to your outfit. Invest in a hat made of breathable material such as cotton or straw.
2. Sunglasses: Not only do sunglasses add a cool factor to your look, they also protect your eyes from UV damage. Opt for shades with polarized lenses for ultimate glare reduction.
3. UPF clothing: Ultra Violet Protection Factor (UPF) clothing can block up to 98% of UV rays, making it a great option for those with sensitive skin. Look for UPF clothing with a rating of 50+ for the best protection.
4. Sunscreen: This may seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning! Be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher at least 30 minutes before heading outdoors.
5. Cooling towels: Stay cool and comfortable with a cooling towel. These towels use moisture-wicking technology to keep you refreshed and can also be used to wipe away sweat.
By incorporating these summer accessories into your daily routine, you can protect your skin and eyes from the damaging effects of the sun while still looking stylish. #summersun #sunprotection #fashionaccessories #sunglasses #hats
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