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2023 고졸 검정고시 영어 필수 교재와 더불어, 추천 도서 9선!

2023 고졸 검정고시 영어 필수 교재와 더불어, 추천 도서 9선!
2023 고졸 검정고시 영어 필수 교재와 더불어, 추천 도서 9선!

As a blog writer and product critic, I am excited to share with you my top 9 recommended books to supplement your 2023 GED English exam preparations.

First on the list is The Official Guide to the GRE General Test by Educational Testing Service. Although it’s designed specifically for graduate school applicants, this guide is an excellent resource to improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension skills, which are vital for the English section of the GED.

Next up is The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. This classic style guide is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their writing skills and boost their grammar know-how.

Third is The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Not only is it a beloved novel, but it also showcases excellent examples of characterization and symbolism, which are essential literary devices you may encounter in the GED exam.

Fourth is The Norton Anthology of American Literature by Nina Baym. This anthology is a collection of works from major American writers and includes literary analyses to provide readers with a better understanding of the various literary periods and styles.

Fifth is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. This historical fiction novel set in Nazi Germany provides an engaging perspective on humanity, morality, and the power of words and language.

Sixth is The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. Apart from enjoying a thrilling mystery-solving experience, readers can also benefit from expanding their vocabulary while reading about the famous consulting detective’s exploits.

Seventh is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. This novel presents a unique perspective on American society and racism during the 19th century, which is still relevant today.

Eighth is The Chicago Manual of Style by The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff. This comprehensive style guide offers extensive guidelines on everything from citation formats to grammar and usage rules to help improve your writing.

Lastly, for a fun read and a captivating story, pick up any novel from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. Not only will you enjoy the magical world of Hogwarts, but you’ll also pick up a few literary devices that can help you excel in the GED English section.

#GEDPrep #ReadingRecommendations #ImproveYourVocabulary #GrammarSkills #LiteraryDevices

2023 고졸 검정고시 영어 필수 교재와 더불어, 추천 도서 9선!

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